Monthly Archives: June 2013

treat yourself.

Mermaid greeting.

in times of stress, strain or angst, look for a mermaid, an open shop or a cheap t-shirt. guaranteed to help.


you may need an umbrella.

under your umbrella.

rain or shine, darkness or light, pack yours for recluse and potential weather of extreme-style conditions.


when you begin to see the separation.

Balling Boys

in so many ways, he is growing up. in the air, on the pitch, on the ride home.

spring, to fall.

At State Cup.

As Spring makes its less than subtle shift into Summer. So goes soccer, bypassing Summer with Fall as the goal. Club, school, new teams, new players the only constant is a ball, some form of grass, real or otherwise and of course, a boy.

magic? hardly.


Here’s the first post of the new photoblog. It saddens me to start over. But I must.