so yeah, they say Halloween has taken over as the second most popular holiday…in terms of spending cash to celebrate, decorate and expectorate…as it’s gained in popularity, mine seems to have waned. not that i dislike fright. i actually love it, i just had to tacky, dumb commercialism of scares…i guess that’s all part of getting old. nonetheless, enjoy your halloween in whatever way you please. maybe i will pull out some hitchcock or hooper, some carpenter or kubrick… anyway, be scared.
“Ultimately, sports are just about as close to what one would call the truth as it is possible to get in this world.” –Harry Crews
if you aren’t a fan of sport you probably think all the hyperbole about kinship, brotherhood and soldiers together in battle is just a bunch of nonsense that boys use to justify that somehow playing a game is an important task. having spent more than a little time watching boys play together as a team (i played a little myself even) it’s hard to deny the bond that grows amongst team mates. sure, it can at times be cliqueish, it can be ever-changing, and it doesn’t always happen for all kids. but i know for a fact that when boys go at a singular task together, and really, truly buy-in to caring about each other and have a willingness to fight as hard for their team mate as they would for themselves, that a connection is made that makes for a victory of spirit–that win or lose on the field–makes for pretty special trophies. sports ain’t for everybody, but they should be.